• Name: Stef Eggen
  • Volume: Mt.Atlas, Violet’s Tale
  • Gear:
  • Sticks: tebbs-drumsticks

At the young age of 32, the Dutch drummer Stef Eggen boasts an impressive 20 years of drumming experience. The inner spark for drumming was ignited at the tender age of 12, leading him to undergo a decade of formal drumming lessons. During those early years, he indulged in casual jamming with smaller bands until 2013, when he decided to take his musical pursuits to a more serious and professional level.

Today, he showcases his drumming skills as a member of two bands, “Mt. Atlas” and “Violet’s Tale.” “Mt. Atlas” is a Post Punk Noise band known for its high-energy performances, while “Violet’s Tale” leans towards the energetic side of country music.
Both bands treat their fans with 10-15 live performances per year, keeping themselves well-engaged.

If you’re interested in checking out Steff and his bands, please feel free to click on the following links:

Violet’s Tale